Moodle - Online Training - SCOUTS South Africa
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Stage 2 Training for Den Scouter to be warranted
- Course Director: Rochelle Booyens

Stage 2 training for adults to become warranted Scouters.
This online Cub warrant course requires full participation and preparation for a practical weekend.

“The Patrol System is the key to success in Scout training.”

Safe from Harm is an initiative aimed at preventing and addressing situations that could affect the wellbeing, development, and safety of children, young people, and adults in Scouting.

Combined Cub, Scout,Rover and SGL Wood Badge course
- Course Director: Peter Le Roux
- Course Director: Carl Nitzsche

The IAL course is the first stage of adult leader training. The course will introduce the new leader to the various aspects of scouting, the framework within which the volunteer must work and will equip the participant in teh basics of managing scout programs and the youth of the Movement.

The IAL course is the first stage of adult leader training. The course will introduce the new leader to the various aspects of scouting, the framework within which the volunteer must work and will equip the participant in teh basics of managing scout programs and the youth of the Movement.

The IAL course is the first stage of adult leader training. The course will introduce the new leader to the various aspects of scouting, the framework within which the volunteer must work and will equip the participant in the basics of managing scout programs and the youth of the Movement.
- Session Leader: Robin Ellis
- Session Leader: Carl Nitzsche

Course Director: Mike Weeks
SGL Warrant course; This course is for Any Adult Leaders who have completed the IAL Course

Combined Cub, Scout,Rover and SGL Wood Badge course
- Course Director: Rochelle Booyens
- Course Director: Peter Le Roux
- Course Director: Dawn Ledbitter
- Course Director: Gareth Watt
- Course Director: Andrew Arthur

The River Skills Course will teach participants to safely navigate their way in kayaks on category 2 and 3 rivers. Paddling skills such as ferry gliding will be taught and practiced in moving white water
- Course Director: Gareth Watt
The Water Awareness course is the first stage of water safety training. The course will provide Scouters with preparative training to incorporate
fun and safe swimming or rafting activities in their events. The Water Awareness Course serves as a foundation for all Water Activity Licence courses.
- Course Director: Gareth Watt

Combined Cub, Scout,Rover and SGL Wood Badge course

Stage 2 training for adults to become warranted Scouters.
This online Cub warrant course requires full participation and preparation for a practical weekend.

The IAL course is the first stage of adult leader training. The course will introduce the new leader to the various aspects of scouting, the framework within which the volunteer must work and will equip the participant in teh basics of managing scout programs and the youth of the Movement.
Tips and hints for online facilitators of group and discussion-based courses